Tag Archives: medicine


Today my son did an injustice to my hair care products. I was so pensive – so deep in thoughts, I didn’t even quarrel. I was tired too and really did not want to exert the energy even though I was a little annoyed at what he did. After he confessed, in a calm collected manner, I told him, “it’s alright, put them down, just don’t trouble them again”.

He looked at me and continued telling me what he did, and how badly he did it. I repeated the same instructions.

A third time, he still carried on the story: “no mommy, you don’t understand. I did…and it was really bad because….”

By this time I grew greatly annoyed at his continued reminder of his wrong doing, when I already forgave him and told him to go. Even though I told him several times “it’s Oki”, he wouldn’t stop repeating the extent of the wrong.

My annoyance began to manifest into anger. Immediately, the Holy Spirit spoke into my spirit.

This is what my children do after they believe they’ve committed “BIG Sins”. They cannot believe that as “big” as the sin is, I can forgive just as easily as if it was a “little sin”. All sin is sin. I forgive them ALL. I hate being reminded of that which I’ve already forgotten”.

This really grabbed my attention and reminded me of that Micah scripture where he tells us he throws our sins in the sea. (Micah 7:19)

I looked at my son and anger immediately turned to compassion. I realized that he just couldn’t believe that with all that he did, I forgave him so easily. It was unimaginable to him. Therefore he had to keep reminding me, to see if I really understood that his wrong doing deserved punishment – which I didn’t issue.

Aren’t we similar?
I thank the Father that he is such a loving God, that while I was yet a sinner, Christ died for me. Christ took all my guilt, shame and punishment. Therefore, I’m free. I accept that freedom, so when I do sin, my Advocate pleads my cause and as soon as I confess with a penitent heart and repent, he forgives and I’m fully FORGIVEN. The same applies to you my friend.


The Big Lie…

Can you hear Me?
Oh, wonderful,
I finally  got your attention.

It’s a lie,
It’s all lies.
Can you spare me a few minutes to explain?
Lemme tell you the truth.

I am NOT mad at you.
I am thrilled at your existence.**

written Amorelle Lewinson. Copyright 2015. All rights reserved.

**This poem is part of Rev Amorelle Lewinson’s poetry Devotional Book – “Tattoo Me”

pick up your copy here 

final kindle front

He is not mad at you….

I have gotten to truly believe that Our Father God is a True Father indeed.

I have just completed seven nights of a Sleep Fast.  If you’re not familiar with a sleep Fast it is the giving up of your sleep (sacrificing sleep as you would food or something else) for a greater godly cause. So you would  pray and worship through the night hours from 12 am until mid-morning or morning.  It is a very effective weapon. This fast wasn’t my first, but this surely was my hardest.

By the Sunday night, which was the last night, I was so weary I could barely keep my eyes open. I had had a very long day that Sunday. I ministered in the morning never got home until the evening, then I went to my home church for Lord’s Supper and never returned home until late.  I was already weary and sleep depraved, so having that long day, never helped in any way.

When it got time to pray, even my husband was so knocked out from the long day that he never heard the alarm to get me up to pray. Let me pause to say on my previous sleep fasts I wouldn’t sleep at all for more than 2 hours per 24 hours for the entire seven nights because that is the time I would have left after prayer as I would have to get up and get started on my schedule for the day. However for this fast I actually took an hour or so of sleep in the nights just before the session, in addition to 3 hours I had after the prayer in the mornings.

So as I was saying, when time came for the prayer, I literally hauled my legs (that were buckling under me) to the living room.  I couldn’t make it but I kept saying “I will make it, I will make it, I can do this”.  Honestly, I wasn’t convinced. By 3am I was so tired, I couldn’t pace the floor in prayer anymore. I knew If I sat down, I would immediately fall asleep but I couldn’t help it. My feet hurt and all parts of my body ached.  I was so weak, weary, tired, fatigued, exhausted, sleepy and enervated. I felt like I was literally gonna pass out!  Finally I sat down – That was the end of  that! You can imagine what happened next. After sitting, all I knew was half hour had passed since I last remembered what I was praying but yet I couldn’t move to get up and continue praying. Then another 15 minutes…then 10 minutes…. then another 15 minutes and so it went on for about and hour and a half combined.  When I looked at the time it was a little after 5 am.  I was so disappointed in myself.  I always prayed until 6 or 7 am on the last night – ALWAYS! I felt so badly like I had let down God and He was saddened by my failure.  I began to cry! “I’m sorry God, I am so sorry. I tried my best. I really did. I just couldn’t hold up.  I am truly sorry”. I wailed to him feeling utter shame. My heart felt broken as I pondered how ashamed He must be of me. I nonetheless stayed and finished praying until after 6am then I went to bed feeling like I lost an important battle and I was now the biggest scandal on the planet.

When I woke up the Monday morning, the pain of my failure griped me instantly and I hang my head in embarrassment and disgrace.  The thoughts in my head were “I failed. Its not well start but well done and I didn’t end well therefore I am a disappointment and God is not pleased with my efforts”.  By about midday, the pain of my stench of being a let down was so overwhelming that I curled in a little corner of my bed and began to cry to God expressing again my apologies for failing Him.

To my utter and most needed surprise I heard the Lord say “Why do you keep repenting for that which I have not laid a charge to? Are you being convicted or condemned? Do I convict or condemn?”  In that moment it felt like the Lord was smiling and standing right beside my bed where I curled up hollering in a pool of tears. Immediately all the chains that imprisoned my heart fell and I stood free.  I wiped the tears from my eyes and began smiling.  He then said “I have come that you may be free. Who the Son sets free is free indeed”.  

The enemy had belied me, condemning me, causing me to feel like I was the worst person in the world because I fell asleep and could not pray until daylight.  He made me feel like God was mad at me and was disappointed in my efforts but that was all a lie.  Jesus was proud of me and was in no way ashamed of me. It gave me a level of freedom that words cannot express.  It brings tears to my eyes even as I write this post and the moments are relived in my memory.

Jesus loves you and is proud of your strides and sacrifice for him my friend. Proud of your baby steps to change. Proud of your loving heart. Proud of your kindness to others.  Proud of you – His masterpiece.  The Holy Spirit convicts in love to steer you to freedom and a godly lifestyle. The Enemy condemns in guilt to steer you to bondage, imprisonment and shame. Knowing the difference is a key to a healthy heart and mind.

So, the next time you feel like a failure because of whatever reason, think carefully and ask yourself…  Am I being convicted or condemned?


Monday’s Medi*

Although you are going through the insurmountable,

Do you think you are facing it alone?

Do you think those who are against you are more than those who are for you?


Take comfort!

Many are the afflictions of the righteous


the Lord delivers him out of them all!


Photo by: slcspeaks.com


*Lessons from your heart*


Place your hand across your heart.

Feel that? That’s purpose!!! Every time you feel like giving up and the enemy tells you that your life has no meaning, just remember your heart.

Just as God gave you your heart for a purpose, is the same way he gave YOU, to the world and the people around you for a purpose. YOU may just be the one transmitting that life sustaining element to those around you.

So take lessons from your heart and keep on pumping!!! You’re a promise. Through you Christ can make the possibilities, for he has empowered you with the potential of his Holy Spirit to draw others unto him; claim that promise.

Be that promise and live that promise to receive the greater promise.

Tuesday’s Inspiration

For every hectic day, God is your quiet rest.

For every painful experience, He’s your healing touch.

For every disappointment, He is your hope.

For every injustice, He is your Lawyer and great Defender.

For every turbulent storm He is your calming peace.

For every hurtful action, He is your forgiving strength.

For every hateful, spiteful act, He is your Loving embrace.

So today, inspite of all that may be happening around you, just smile because Christ loves u and will eventually fix it all for you 🙂


Just Crazy!


What a month, what a week, what a few couple of days.

You guys have not heard from me for a while……. hmmmm.

Been crazy.

Just heading out of the hospital. me in green & 1 of my spiritual  daughters in pink. she came to assist me after a week in the hospital
Just heading out of the hospital. Me in green & 1 of my spiritual daughters in pink. she came to assist me after a week in the hospital

So… that’s me heading out of hospital. *Shake my Head*

…. And shortly after I returned home, I had to be rushed back to the hospital where I was under observation for another 24 hours.

But God is good.

I’m at home recuperating and to Jesus be all the praise.

I’m grateful for my family, my pastor, friends, my ministry {DRM}, my church,  the prayers, gifts and kind words that were given to me.

Keep praying for me.

I know Jesus is my healer.

The New Amo’s Medical Centre


With the surge of pornagraphic and sexual content plus the various lusts overtaking the world today, I have found that it’s getting even harder to stay in Christ especially if you are a young person. I went into the archives and pulled this one as my remedy for the problem. My heart yearns for young people across the nations to know Jesus and make Him their Lord and Saviour completely – RADICALLY!  Hope you enjoy your visit to my medical centre today.

I read a blog recently about a young girl who came from a good christian home, went to college and got involved with a “player type guy”.  This guy declares that any girl who hooks up with him has to engage in certain explicit sexual activities. It was also confirmed that this particular young lady (as the guy had said) surely granted him those “special favours”.  [What a pity]  It was truly heart-aching to read.  The person who wrote it titled the document “Christian-Girl-Gone-Bad”.   

I honestly believe that if young people (especially christian ones) truly gain an identity of who they are in Jesus, certain things they will abstain from and even if they do fall into them, they will ask forgiveness, turn away and bounce back stronger than they were previously.  I am certain of this because Proverbs 24:16 says: ” A righteous person may fall seven times, but he gets up again…”  [The bible never lies baby].

I have therefore acted on God’s behalf to try to remedy the situation.  After consultation with the infected child (hypothetically), and analyzing the documents presented, Doctor Amo says:

Illness: Christian-Girl-Gone-Bad (CGGB)

Signs: Lack of interest in church activities, irregular to non-church attendance, ill-placed lust, the excuse factors, loss of christian appetite, dusty bibles, cobwebbed godly relationships.

Diagnosis: Boring church services, incomprehension of kingdom life, religious nut-cases, social pressure, hypocrisy, rigid church rules and regulations, lack of identity, media and culture influenza.

Prognosis: Unfulfilled lives, purposelessness, despair, brokenness, sadness, guilt, hurt, sometimes success without happiness, fornication, spiritual adultery.


Prevention Prescription:
Intimacy: Hourly love-making and passion with Jesus.

Healthy Eating: Daily feasting from the buffet table of the Bible.

Radicality: Be real and true to yourself and your gifts at all cost – Authenticity is massively important.

Work: Don’t be busy, be active. Look for opportunities to help serve and honour others. This is key to preventing the gangrene of selfishness, the parasite of pride and the growth of idleness.

Anointing: Daily dose of the anointing before, during or at nights.


WARNING:Take anointing ONLY as directed. Overdose might cause heavenly experiences and fun-filled earthly lives.

Pass the word around the next time you see a full blown CGGB or a potential CGGB in the making.  We can make special arrangements to have them transported here to the centre for rehabilitation.  Simply leave us the information and we will do the rest.

Thanks for making it Doctor Amo’s Medical Centre.
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